The Three most effective exercises for strong glutes

I’m sure you’ve seen dozens of ads for booty bands, butt toners, and Brazilian butt lifts. While you won’t find any of that here, you WILL find three science-driven ways to build your glutes so they function better and help you to feel your best.

Because there’s no point in having strong glutes if your back hurts and your knees won’t let you run, right?

To boil glute training down to its most basic requirement, we have to create the most amount of mechanical tension (force) in hip extension. This is what happens at the hip when you go from sitting to standing.

The greatest amount of hip extension happens in these three exercises and the best thing is that you can do them anywhere without expensive dumbbells or bands. In fact, you can even do them right now!

First, is the Hip Thrust

The Hip Thrust is by far one of the most common exercises I program for women. Especially women who have any type of low back pain. Unlike deadlifts or squats, the load on the spine is horizontal rather than vertical and compressive so it allows the glutes to work without the back overcompensating.

Coaching Notes:

  • Set Up Right: heels to hips, bench on your bra strap, and eyes between legs

  • Your rib cage should be pinned down at the top sister! Keep that core engaged to prevent your back from rubbing the work from the glutes.

Second: the B-Stance Glute Bridge

The B-Stance Glute Bridge is an incredible exercise to build single-leg glute strength for women who have one glute that is weaker than the other. While still having one leg supporting the body the working leg is put to the test without stressing the muscles of the spine or getting the quads engaged. #winning

Coaching Notes:

  • Set Up Right: before you even think about lifting your hips, flatten your low back down to the ground and squeeze your glutes: set the intention before diving into the action.

  • Keep your weight in your heels girl, those toes will only make your quads take over!

Last, the Deficit Reverse Lunge

Remember how you learned that the greatest way to build strong glutes is to strengthen your hip extension? The Deficit Reverse Lunge forces the hip to go through a TON of hip extension. There are huge gains to be made by incorporating this exercise into your routine on your next leg day.

Coaching Notes:

  • Set Up Right: use a step or plate that is 4-6 inches off of the ground and clear the space behind you

  • Bend over your elevated leg’s hip into the reverse lunge while keeping your hips even and chest tall. Drive your weight into the front foot’s heel to come back up to standing and squeeze your glutes at the top!

If you try out one or all of these exercises, let me know! I’d love to hear about which one you liked the most. Send me an email at or tag me on the “gram” @truestrengthcollective


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