What is Self-Less Self-Care?

Have you ever felt guilty for slipping away to indulge in an afternoon nap? Or maybe you’re the woman to avoid social events to spend some candlelight journaling in self-reflection?

To feel guilt, is to be human. After all, can you imagine the feeling of guilt Eve felt in the garden after betraying the love of her life and the loving God who made her? Eve’s choice to rebel resulted in a punishment for mankind.

But, not all feelings of guilt are true. Some guilt we put on ourselves in a false pretense. We may feel like we deserve punishment for something that was done wrong, but, stewarding your God-given body is not a crime worthy of punishment.


In God’s economy, He saw your life worthy of the cruel death of His only Son. Do you see your body as He does?

I like to think of my body as a garden. You wouldn’t expect good fruits from a garden that had been neglected, would you? Then why is it that we let our bodies go unattended and wonder why we have no fruit left to give at the end of the day. Self-care isn’t selfish. Naps allow your body and mind to rest.

Free yourself from guilt and choose to care for your body. Here are four specific ways you can tend to your garden:

  1. Physical Self Care: go for a long walk with no purpose other than relaxation

  2. Emotional Self-Care: write down 10 non-physical attributes about yourself that you’re thankful for

  3. Spiritual Self-Care: spend 15 minutes reading through the Psalms and write down all the promises of God you can find

  4. Social Self-Care: call your closest friend and let them know how much they mean to you


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